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Insurance Needs
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What type of insurance would you like to compare?

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Tell us a little bit about yourself, so that we can find policies that you might be interested in.

What's your name?
Prices are dependent on age, how old are you {{ ClientFirstName }}?
What was your gender at birth?
{{ ClientFirstName }}, in the last 12 months have you smoked tobacco, e-cigarettes or any other substance?
How would you describe your current situation?
In the event you become terminally ill or pass away, would your family need a replacement income?
{{ ClientFirstName }}, whats your occupation?
How much do you earn a year?
Would you like to protect your income in case you can't work?
Do you want to cover yourself for health treatments?
Do you want to cover yourself for critical illnesses?
Do you currently have any debts?
If you become sick or are unable to work, would you need to cover your mortgage repayments?
How much is your mortgage?
How much are your mortgage repayments?
Do you have a partner?
Do you have any dependent children? (under the age of 18)
How many children do you have? (under the age of 18)